Thursday, April 5, 2018

Student Teaching is Coming in Fast!

In the midst of fieldwork, and learning and everything in between, I also have been working on my student teaching application! Here is what I have concluded:

When asked, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” I would easily answer with “an astronaut or chef”. During my childhood, becoming a teacher never crossed my mind. That was until I started working at a local Daycare, and met a little boy who changed my life for the better. I remember the first day this little boy started at my school. The entire building wanted nothing to do with him because he could not speak and was developmentally behind the rest of the children. But when I looked into this little boy’s eye, it was like looking at a flower struggling to bloom. I made it my personal project to get him to speak before the school and parents would consider putting him in a different school. Every single day, I brought little toy vehicles to play with, and we would go over them each time. During one of our routine afternoons, I handed him the red car, and he responded “car”. From that moment, I fell in love with the idea that I can absolutely help, even if it is just one child, be the best they can be. Some children need more investment than others, and I am ready to invest the rest of my life to our future. Each child is our future. Why let their education be mediocre? I intend to not only know my students in class, but I want to know them on a personal and friendly level as well. I want to know what is going on outside the classroom so I can better prepare for inside the classroom. Working with children, especially special needs children, just melts my heart and I truly believe this is what I meant to do in life. I love every child I meet as if they were my own.

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